Poppy Seeds

Badami Chicken In Creamy Almond Gravy – Murgh Badami CurryBadami Chicken In Creamy Almond Gravy – Murgh Badami Curry

Badami Chicken In Creamy Almond Gravy – Murgh Badami Curry

Badami Chicken in creamy almond gravy is rich, royal, and delicious. If you like a subtly spiced indulgent curry, you’ll…

March 25, 2022
Lal Shak Bhaja Bengali Style – Sautéed Red Amaranth LeavesLal Shak Bhaja Bengali Style – Sautéed Red Amaranth Leaves

Lal Shak Bhaja Bengali Style – Sautéed Red Amaranth Leaves

Lal Shak Bhaja or sautéed Red Amaranth is a simple and easy Bengali dish made with amaranth leaves, garlic and…

February 17, 2022
Ucche Chorchori – Ucche Aloo Begun Chorchori Sorshe Bata DiyeUcche Chorchori – Ucche Aloo Begun Chorchori Sorshe Bata Diye

Ucche Chorchori – Ucche Aloo Begun Chorchori Sorshe Bata Diye

Ucche Chorchori is a Bengali niramish dish made with bitter gourd, brinjal and potatoes cooked in a mustard paste. The…

September 26, 2021
Bokful Bhaja With White Agasti Flowers | Bengali Bok Phool FrittersBokful Bhaja With White Agasti Flowers | Bengali Bok Phool Fritters

Bokful Bhaja With White Agasti Flowers | Bengali Bok Phool Fritters

Bokful Bhaja is a popular Bengali vegetable fritters dish where bok phool or heron flower (so called as it’s white…

December 15, 2016
Posto Bora – Bengali Coconut Poppy Seed FrittersPosto Bora – Bengali Coconut Poppy Seed Fritters

Posto Bora – Bengali Coconut Poppy Seed Fritters

Posto Bora is a delicious poppy seed recipe, light, crisp and full of goodness. Coconut poppy seed fritters are made…

April 5, 2016
Jhinge Posto – Bengali Ridge Gourd With Poppy Seeds PasteJhinge Posto – Bengali Ridge Gourd With Poppy Seeds Paste

Jhinge Posto – Bengali Ridge Gourd With Poppy Seeds Paste

Jhinge Posto made with ridge gourd and poppy seeds paste is a Bengali niramish ranna recipe. A traditional dish in…

March 17, 2016
Sojne Data Chorchori – Bengali Drumstick Curry | Sojne Data PostoSojne Data Chorchori – Bengali Drumstick Curry | Sojne Data Posto

Sojne Data Chorchori – Bengali Drumstick Curry | Sojne Data Posto

Sojne Data Chorchori is a Bengali side dish where drumsticks are simmered in a savoury mustard and poppy seed base.…

April 13, 2015
Shorshe Doi Begun – Eggplant In Mustard Yogurt Gravy | Begun ShorsheShorshe Doi Begun – Eggplant In Mustard Yogurt Gravy | Begun Shorshe

Shorshe Doi Begun – Eggplant In Mustard Yogurt Gravy | Begun Shorshe

Shorshe Doi Begun is a delectable Bengali recipe where eggplant slices are simmered in a delicious mustard-yogurt sauce. A light,…

February 5, 2015
Posto Chingri – Bengali Mustard Prawns With Poppy Seeds | Chingri PostoPosto Chingri – Bengali Mustard Prawns With Poppy Seeds | Chingri Posto

Posto Chingri – Bengali Mustard Prawns With Poppy Seeds | Chingri Posto

Posto Chingri or Chingri Posto is a traditional Bengali prawn recipe wherein prawns are simmered in a poppy seed paste (Posto).…

August 20, 2014
Aloo Posto Bengali Recipe – Potatoes With Poppy SeedsAloo Posto Bengali Recipe – Potatoes With Poppy Seeds

Aloo Posto Bengali Recipe – Potatoes With Poppy Seeds

Aloo Posto Bengali style is an all-time favourite Bengali potato recipe which combines cubed potatoes with thick poppy seed paste, topped with…

May 14, 2014